BUT FOR NAGA, it is different.
in Naga we treat our clients as our partners, we are consulting the community
Last 2004, I met Nick Hake, an American Peace Corps volunteer assigned in jp2 reading center. Nick finds the Naga Library a good place to stay for him when he wants to read. as a frequent reader, he was able to get the nod of the library staff. later he became one of us.
Having a peace corps working in the library is an education itself. it is culture and language that became lessons on his stint. we also met fellow PCVs Will Stone and Dan Nover who were all lovers of books.
We also have local volunteers to compliment with the increasing clerical tasks in the Naga Library. they are the on-the-job trainees from local TESDA schools...
Volunteers or the third sector of the society is as old as the time of Lapu-lapo....... we all have this, from our friend who gave us spare time helping us in our household chores.... for libraries,, as volunteers,,, we need this... instead of hiring.. hiring.
1 comment:
Your comments jogged a few memories I have from the time I spent in the Philippines, along with reminding me of he importance of being a volunteer... "salamat".
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